Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dobson's Dubious Posturing

Today's address by James Dobson cynically strikes at Obama. Since Dr. Dobson says he cannot support McCain he can't. So, his way of keeping his word, but still hoping to help McCain is by attacking Obama. If you haven't already done so, check out website created in response to Dobson's diatribe.

The AP reported today that a "The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a Methodist pastor from Texas and longtime supporter of President Bush who has endorsed Obama, said Tuesday he belongs to a group of religious leaders who, working independently of Obama's campaign, launched a Web site to counter Dobson at http://www.jamesdobsondoesntspeakforme.com. The site highlights statements from Obama and Dobson and asks visitors to compare them."

James Dobson doesn't speak for me either.


Philip Cummings said...

I'm so glad you are posting again. It's good to read your words and feel like we've again had a brief conversation between classes. I miss you guys and think of you often. I hope all is well.

Dobson doesn't speak for me either.

Philip C.

Keith Brenton said...

So Dobson joins the long list of evangelicals who have had to backpedal on what they have said - or what they have quoted "God" as saying/prophesying.

And the rest of Christianity suffers for their disingenuity, because the world sees us all as one - even if we Christians don't.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

And if you're delayed further, could You pinch a clothespin across the lips of some of Your would-be spokespersons?