Saturday, February 05, 2005

Profiles in purging--finding the strength to ban the bothersome

According to the Washington Post, Dennis Hastert has purged the House Ethics Committee of those bothersome folks who investigated Tom DeLay and resisted weakening ethics rules.

In reference to the ousting of Rep. Joel Hefley, (R-Co.), the chairman of the committee, Hastert’s spokesman reportedly said, "It wasn't really removing him. It was more like relieving him of his duty. The speaker doesn't like to have people who are such talented legislators like him have to spend so much time on ethics."

But don’t worry. The speaker didn’t just get rid of Hefley, he also replaced two other bothersome Republican committee members, Reps. Kenny Hulshof (R-Mo.) and Steven C. LaTourette (R-Ohio), with Reps. Lamar S. Smith (R-Tex.) and Tom Cole (R-Okla.). The Post editorial states that both of these men contributed generously to Mr. DeLay's legal defense fund.

The immoral of the story is: Don't waste your time and talent on ethics.


Frank Bellizzi said...

Hi, Bev.

You don't know me. But I know Matt Elliot and decided to take a chance and click on one of his recommended blogs.

I kept reading and reading yours and really liked them. I'll be back.

Btw, Dowell Flatt was my Greek and New Testament teacher at F-HC. After all those years, he was still rooting for the Tigers. Seems like I remember him talking about a local soda up there that he really liked. I loved him.

All the best,

Beverly Choate Dowdy said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Dowell Flatt taught me the value of expository preaching. He exemplified discipline and integrity. Our congregation experienced so much harmony through what were tumultous years other places.
Come again!